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Tavern Update

Please keep praying for the tavern!!!

Yesterday Amber and Jenny walked into the tavern to visit with Joel and his
mother was there.  She asked Amber if she still wanted to buy it. 
Amber replied yes.  The owner named a high price then lowered it when Amber
did not respond.  She then invited Amber into her home to speak about
it.  She shared with Amber that she does not like all the drunkenness and
violence that occurs in her establishment and wants to see it change.  She
desires for it to be a store where she can sell clothes or purses or something
like that.  So once again we are back to praying for vision for the

I serve an amazing GOD.  HE never fails me and HE always shows HIS
presence to me when I start to think HE is so far away.  Last week Cassie
asked Joel to stop smoking and he swore to Amber that he has including symptoms
that go with withdrawal.  I just love how GOD is working in the lives of
people.  HE is working in my life as well.  What an awesome GOD.